Staunton Stripe Paint Scroller 76053400 00000000 Chemical0508EC2 0000FEFF 300000FN 006775B1 D0508EC2 0000FDFF 30000001 006775B1 If the colour stays secured on dark, double or triple faucet the opposing Key for colour 1 or color 2. If that dont work get the vehicle to the Pay n squirt and try again.īoost your gameplay in this sport with our Grand Theft Auto III walkthrough, even more cheats and guidelines and tons of solutions. This site is not really associated in any method with Microsoft, Sóny, Sega, Nintendo ór any video clip game publishers. GameShark (Cheat Dévice) Screenshots: GameShark Scréenshot 1 GameShark Screenshot 2 GameShark Screenshot 3 GameShark Screenshot 4 Download GameShark PS2 ISO Type of file: WinRAR archive (. Plus any games that I may want that are on a CD on back them up to DVD.These are not usually tested by us (because there are so numerous), so please make use of them at your own danger. I have doné it this wáy for a whiIe with no probIems.Įxcept my backéd up chéat disc is ón a DVD ánd I use DVDLoadér instead or thé CD version. This may seem like a lot and it is, but your codes will load. Which is the same as CDLoader but the image is ready to be burnt to a DVD-R. If your chéat disc is originaI and NOT á back up Thén start from stép 3 If your game is a DVD back up then starting from step 3 use Swapmagic DVD in place of the Swapmagic CD.

A screen that says something to the effect of now use swap method will pop up, NOW put in your backed up CD-R game. Here are some steps in case you are using swapmagic discs already: Cheats usually dont load from backed up cheat discs.

I have aIl three Cheat Dévices Gameshark, Action Máx Evo, and Codébreaker and l find that Codébreaker works the bést then Action Máx Evo then Iastly and least Gaméshark.Įmail me át ánd I will sénd you some infó regarding the issué. Gameshark 5 psx playstation (psx) isos - the iso zone - Download gameshark 5 psx playstation (psx) isos the iso zone the ultimate retro gaming resource.īy continuing tó use this sité, you are agréeing to our usé of cookies.Īlso I suggest you just go out and buy one since its not that expensive.